Alice Cooper's Insights on Johnny Depp and Amber Heard Trial During Hollywood Vampires Tour
August 28, 2023
Alice Cooper, an enduring icon at the age of 75, has unveiled intriguing facets of his association with bandmate Johnny Depp's defamation trial involving Amber Heard. Contrary to the assumption that this legal ordeal dominated conversations during their recent Hollywood Vampires tour, Cooper disclosed that it never surfaced as a topic of discussion.
In a candid conversation with Vulture, Cooper unveiled that he consciously abstained from following Depp's live-televised trial that unfolded in Virginia. This trial held Heard accountable for her 2018 op-ed where she shared allegations of abuse. The verdict was delivered on June 1, 2022, during a period when Depp, aged 60, was engrossed in a United Kingdom tour alongside musician Jeff Beck (who has since passed away in January). The subsequent course of events witnessed the duo reaching an accord and retracting their appeals, culminating in Heard, aged 37, agreeing to a $1 million restitution to Depp.
Cooper conveyed, "Not at all. If you talk to Johnny about it, it was something that happened." He debunked any notion of hesitancy in touring alongside Depp, remarking that their discussions were invariably centered on musical pursuits rather than legal intricacies. The trials remained remote from their conversational repertoire, epitomizing the stance that "nobody cared."
Reflecting on the trial's televised nature, Cooper mused, "It’s because of the fame of both people." He emphasized that the tour didn't resonate with discussions about the trial's unfolding drama. The monumental trial, in his perspective, had been "blown out of proportion" and cast as a quintessential "Hollywood thing."
The legendary artist further divulged, "I don’t think it was ever mentioned on the tour because nobody cared. I never watched a moment of the trials." He underscored his conviction in Depp's ultimate victory, drawing attention to the remarkable alliance formed by multiple exes testifying in his favor—an unprecedented occurrence. For Cooper, the trial's narrative faded into the backdrop as he continued to view Depp as an integral member of their musical ensemble.
Cooper's account provides a window into the camaraderie that envelops the Hollywood Vampires—an ensemble comprising Depp, Cooper, Joe Perry, and Tommy Henriksen. While legal trials may ensnare attention from afar, their artistic journey continues to flourish amidst the rhythms of rock and camaraderie.